From Both Ends Of The Earth

From Both Ends Of The Earth
Arc Music
release date: July, 1999

From Both Ends of the Earth

Real roots music: traditional Yiddish and Ukrainian melodies, infused with elements of jazz, folk music, rhythm & blues, interpreted by five of the most versatile and dynamic musicians in Canada.

From Both Ends Of The Earth is: Marilyn Lerner — piano, Sasha Boychouk — saxophones, Daniel Koulack — acoustic bass, David Wall — vocals, and Rick Shadrach Lazar — percussion.

From Both Ends of the Earth

The addition of David Wall (Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band, Bourbon Tabernacle Choir) and Rick Lazar (Montuno Police) to the original trio of Lerner/ Boychouk/Koulack has created a true super group that draws on the rich and varied backgrounds of its members. This is not re-creation of the original music, but an attempt to rediscover its spirit and create new music.

Their first CD, also called From Both Ends of the Earth, was described as “Old soul music”, by Randall McIlroy of Uptown. ” Bartley Kives of the Winnipeg Free Press gave it 4 and a half stars and picked it as year’s best.

From Both Ends of the Earth is pleased and excited to announce the signing of a licensing agreement with ARC Music Inc. for international distribution of their first CD.

The band completed its first tour in 2000. FBEOTE had wonderful reception at the Winnipeg Folk Festival, the Vancouver Folk Music Festival , at Victoria Rootsfest , Jazz on the Rooftop in Winnipeg, the Brandon Folk Music Festival and the Guelph Jazz Festival.

Track List

  1. Dem Bal Shem Tov’s Zemerl The Bal Shem Tov’s Song (Bassin/Rumshinsky)
  2. Mayn Rue Platz My Resting Place (Rosenfeld)
  3. Unfinished Stories (Koulak)
  4. Dos Lid Fun Ayznban The Train (Ginsberg/Marek)
  5. [audio: both_ends_ mp3s/train.mp3]
  6. In Mayn Gortn In my Garden (Bialik/Gelbart)
  7. Khosidl (Trad.)
  8. The Chess Tune (Trad.)
  9. [audio: both_ends_ mp3s/chess .mp3]
  10. Hanerous Halleluyah/Fun Beyde Ekn Velt From Both Ends Of The Earth (Trad./Wall)
  11. Xostropetz (Trad.)
  12. Di Tsukumft The Future (Winchevsky)

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