
originally released 1993


David Wall’s first ever solo CD, Lozenge, was recorded and co-produced (along with David and Big Sugar’s Gordie Johnson) by Ken Whiteley, off and on in 1992 and ’93. It was a fun-filled, rough-and-ready side project which stood in as an excuse for three close friends to hang out. David could only record while on breaks from his crazed tour schedule with the Bourbon Tabernacle Choir (at that time the band was playing 250 shows a year!), so the recording process was intermittent and very casual.


As the record took shape, a long list of musician friends were recruited to spice it up, including: Al Cross, Terry Wilkins, Chris Whiteley, Chris Brown, Sarah McElcheran, Gene Hardy, Andrew Whiteman, Kate Fenner, Jody Richardson, Molly Johnson, Taborah Johnson, Sharon Lee Williams, Collina Philips, Catherine Rose, Vid Lake and John Alcorn.

When Lozenge was released it received critical acclaim across the country. Unfortunately there was no touring or real promotion to support it and everyone moved on to other things, but it is remembered as a beautiful, soulful, friendly little gem. At least one song from the CD has been transformed into a Canadian “classic” of sorts. “Sleep In Late” (co-written by David and Andrew Whiteman) has been recorded by Big Sugar and Molly Johnson and has been featured in film and television.

To purchase a copy of Lozenge, please contact David Wall

Track Listing

1. Mama Waltz (Wall)
2. Be With Me Jesus (Cooke)
3. The Storm Is Passing Over (Wall/Richardson)
4. Just About Sunrise (Johnson)
5. Please Don’t Desert Me (Wall)
6. Sleep In Late (Wall/Whiteman)
7. The Last Time (Staples)
8. L’Estralla (Whiteman)
9. John The Revelator (House)
10. So Much (Wall)
11. Something’s Not Moving (Wall/Whiteman)
12. Feed The Fire (Wall/Whiteman)
13. Armadillo (Wall)

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